
     2016年9月12日,加州大学欧文分校(UCI)亚太地区招生负责人Karen Tong 女士来到我校,对国际部中美、中英项目的优秀学生代表详细介绍了加州大学系统和UCI的具体信息以及其他留学事宜。

   首先,Karen女士简要介绍了UCI大学,它成立于1965,是一所位于美国加州欧文市的公立研究型大学。欧文市气候宜人,5分钟车程到JohnWayne,10分钟到新港滩,20分钟到迪士尼乐园,45分钟到洛杉矶市,90分钟到圣地亚哥市,地理位置优越。UCI作为UC系统的十大名校之一,全美大学排名39(US News),学校专业设置非常多元化,鼓励学生将理论与实践结合在一,采取国际化的管理和经营方式,吸引了来自世界各地的学生,使UCI成为一个著名的世界文化交流的学府。



University of California, IrvineVisited Our School

On Sept. 5th, 2016, Ms. Karen Tong,the Regional Director of Asia Pacific of University of California, Irvine(UCI), came to our school and gave an introduction of UCI in detail to thestudents from our AP and A-level programs.

Firstly, Ms. Karen briefly introducedUniversity of California, Irvine. It was founded in 1965 and is a publicresearch university located in Irvine, California in the U.S. Irvine is a citywith pleasant weather and the campus is 5-minute drive from John Wayne Airport,10 minutes from Newport Beach, 20 minutes from Disneyland, 45 min from LosAngeles and 90 min from San Diego. The location is perfect for study, livingand working. UCI as one of the ten universities in the UC system, is ranked 39according to US News. The college curriculum design is very diverse and itencourages students to combine theories with practice. UCI uses aninternational and diverse way of managing and it could attract the studentsfrom all over the world.

After that, Ms. Karen gave thestudents a brief introduction about the undergraduate education in UCI based onher years of work experience, including the application requirement and thedeadline, some preferential policies and expenses for the internationalstudents, etc., which gave students more guidance for their applicationplanning to the universities in the U.S. In addition, she also introduced theapplication procedure of UCI in details. Students took actively part ininteracting with the college representative. Their fluent English and passionatequestions impressed Ms. Karen. The atmosphere was relaxed and lively during thewhole lecture.

All in all, students acquired furtherinformation on undergraduate education in UCI through this activity, and alsobroadened their perspective. They learnt more the application procedures andskills. They have made one step forward to the world famous universities.

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