2012年3月29日英国牛津市资深议员David Williams一行来访我校。David Williams 议员与我校国际部李晓君副校长进行了就学校与英国教育官方推进合作等方面进行了友好交流。会后,David Williams 议员给中英和中美课程班的学生们在我校报告厅做了一场主题为英国教育的讲座。
David Williams议员在讲座中给我校学生详细介绍了牛津市,牛津大学教育情况以及成功入读牛津大学的中国学生的学习和生活情况。在谈到英国教育体制时,David Williams议员解释了英国从小学到大学的教育学制情况并对一些重点大学进行了对比分析。同学们认真的聆听了David Williams议员对英国教育的报告,并就英国大学申请事宜向议员作了详细咨询。此次牛津议员的关于英国教育的讲座受到我校国际部师生的好评。会后,老师同学们与David Williams议员合影留念。
Councillor David Williams’ visit to Beijing No. 80 High School
Oxford City Council Councillor David Williams came to visit our school with his colleagues on 29 March 2012. David Williams had a friendly, in-depth talk with Li Xiaojun Vice-principal of the International Department on increasing the official co-operation between British government and No. 80 High School. After the meeting, David Williams gave a presentation on the British education system to students from the British International Foundation Programme and the AP Programme.
Mr. Williams first introduced the City of Oxford, the University of Oxford and Chinese student life at the University of Oxford. Afterwards, he provided the students detailed information on the British education system and compared the teaching methods and learning environments of some top British universities.
After the lecture, some students spoke with David Williams and asked some questions about how to apply to British universities. All students and teachers enjoyed the lecture and took photos with David Williams.
David Williams议员给国际部中英中美项目班学生作关于英国教育的讲座
David Williams gives a presentation on British education to the students from the British International Foundation Programme and the AP Programme
中英中美学生与David Williams议员合影
Students with Councillor David Williams